Is she even slightly interested?


Mar 3, 2008
I started this job 2 weeks ago and I've got a little crush on one of my co-workers haha like I'm in elementary school again. She's cute, but honestly I like her personality more because she's nerdy like me haha. Anyway, there have been a couple of times when she seemed to be a little interested in me, but 80% of the time it seems she's not. I think it's because she's at work, you know getting kind-of sweaty, she probably isn't in the best mood at all times. Now, there's something you must know, I do have a girlfriend at the time being and she's currently 7 months pregnant with my child. My girlfriend and I are not happy, I'm going to be in my child's life as much as possible and I want to see other people. My crush know's I'm in a relationship and that I'm about to be a father, so would that make her stop being interested? I don't know for sure if she knows my girlfriend and I are having a tough time, she may know though. I think I can tell by a couple of conversations we've had she might want to hangout somewhere that's not work, maybe watch a movie or go to a family BBQ. So tell me what you think.

Before some of you try to tell me it's wrong to leave the woman that's carrying my child, just shut up. It's not wrong if I'm unhappy okay. Now, it is wrong to leave her and then never send a child support check or whatever. I'm going to be there for my son, but I can't be with his mother forever it's not going to happen.

Also, my crush is a mother and the father just isn't around.

It's so lame when I say "crush" haha but I can't think of another word for it.

Thanks in advance.