Is she not interested in me?


Feb 27, 2008
well im a little confused. I thought this girl seemed interested in me and now im not so sure. When i first talked with her in my college class and introduced myself to her everything was good and i made it a little obvious that i was interested with her. She was happy talking with me that day and she evn insisted in joining my group in class disscussion. In the group she seemed nervous and would really only pay attention to me when talking and not to anyone else. After the group disscussion i talked with her a little more. She seemed nervous but never the less she went into serious detail when i only asked questions that required a two or three word answer. Anyway after that we were both about to leave and she kinda just paused and looked at me i didnt know what she was doing so i just said by and it was nice meeting u. Now a week later when we had this class again. When she walked into the classroom i said hi to her she just smiled and didnt look at me and quickly darted to her desk. I was a little confused about that. Later in the class the teacher made groups for class discussion and she put her in my group. This time in the group she was kind of quiet and kept looking down at her desk like she was trying not to look at me. The way she was acting seemed very nervous. During the discussion she only looked at me once and commented at what i had to say. I wanted to talk with her more that day and get to know her better maybe get her number but ohnestly my guess is that she was not interested so in turn i started acting like i wasnt interested to save face. I was stairing at the clock the whole time acting like i was bored and i noticed her glance at me a few times. Than at the end of class i was determined to get out of there fast cause i figured this girl doesnt like me and this is awkward if i stick around. Before i got up and left i was pretending to look at something else but from the corner of my eye i caught her looking at me for a few seconds. Well whatever i was pretty sure shes not interested in me so i just walked out of tjhe room and left. Is this girl not interested in me? If she is which i doubt how the hell am i supposed to talk with her if she keeps acting like that?
She probably likes you a lot. It's not that shes not interested but that they're could be something going on in her life. Maybe some family member died or she's been having trouble with some friends. Just talk to her, ask her if she wants to grab a cup of coffee sometime and talk. Start up a conversation and try to cheer her up. :)
sounds like she likes you but gets really nervous around you, just try being friendly to her and not too full on.. :)
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