Is smoking weed bad for a 13 year old?

your not cool unless you smoke weed. weed is great, i havent had a job in years and my parents hate me because of it. not to mention ive pawned all my stuff to pay for my habit. but its not addicting at all. did get a lot of pussy by giving girls weed tho so that was a plus
I'm 13 and I smoke weed probably every Saturday/Friday not usually both. It doesn't effect me badly because I read up on everything I needed to know. On how to cover it up, what I should expect, what's going to come from it, when's the best time to do it etc. I'm smart with my weed and I know the best hiding places for it. I currently have 3gs in a cut inside my mattress. So yeah, it doesn't affect my grades, my health, I'm a star basketball player honestly. But yeah hope this helped.
your not cool unless you smoke weed. weed is great, i havent had a job in years and my parents hate me because of it. not to mention ive pawned all my stuff to pay for my habit. but its not addicting at all. did get a lot of pussy by giving girls weed tho so that was a plus