Is stopping Mickey Mouse for greeting you at Disneyland. Political Correctness


New member
Feb 4, 2013
gone too far? Too long to post here so read here please:
Yes and no. I can see the side where them collecting info
from you and/or your children and someone hacks into their
system. I think they should ask and only be allowed
certain information.
Please...It's "Mr. Mouse"...

And if any of his theme park associates that confront or greet guests in the park happens to have a blemish (or zit) on their face, they cannot work that day...and are given "behind the scenes" jobs until it's gone...
I wouldn't want Disney to know and use my personal information in that manner. Maybe if they asked you if they could use your information as you walk in, like signing a contract, that would be ok. But to do it without explicit permission is wrong.

Children do not have the same level of critical thinking as adults and do not realize that this ploy is marketing, that they're being advertised to.