Is the movie, book publishing, and music industries going bankrupt and


May 17, 2008
collapsing? Piracy, torrents, etc...? how will they survive this terrible age??

How will musicians, authors and actors make revenue if they are being robbed of everything in their arsenal? All these beautiful industries of art, are they really going bankrupt and going to collapse and not be around in the future??......I mean, how can they when so many pirates and illegal torrents around?
When I was a boy (a few years back, I must admit) the technology we had was cassettes. A smart person invented a machine which allowed for tape-tape recording. Play the cassette on one side, record it on a blank tape you could buy anywhere on the other. Everybody in the world copied cassettes. Millions and millions of them. Top artists like (back then) Elton John, Pink Floyd, Billy Joel, thousands more all became, and remain, very rich people. Copying did them no harm. They made, and always make, more money touring than via record sales.