Is the presence of cigarette butts in the apartment enough evidence to...


New member
Nov 10, 2008
...prove smoking in the apartment? My husband and I own a duplex and we are the landlords for a tenant upstairs. We have a no-smoking policy in the apartment that our tenant agreed to. We informed him that if he or any of his guests was smoking in the apartment, he would have to pay fines and eventually have his lease terminated if caught a third time. We have caught him in the act of smoking two times. When we went up to fix things there were five cigarette butts on the floor. Is this evidence enough of him violating the rule? We let it go in the past, but I just wrote a letter informing him that in the future, this will be considered evidence of smoking in the apartment and his lease will be terminated if there are more cigarette butts upstairs. Is that reasonable of me or do I actually have to catch him in the act?
Thank you!
Cigarette butts are NOT a sign of smoking in the unit. Many smokers pick up their butts, put them in a pocket and dump in trash at home. If he is smoking in the unit you can smell it, see nicotine buildup on the walls and ceiling.