Is there a Harley Quinn costume pattern online thats free?


New member
Jul 28, 2008
i'm trying to find a Harley Quinn costume pattern so that i can make my own costume for halloween... cuz i know the halloween stores will have nasty fabric on that costume, and i want a semi-comfortable one... so can someone please help me find a costume pattern for Harley Quinn? it would be great if someone could! =) thank you!
heya- Honestly, I'm on the same quest and have now officially given up. There are no Free patterns for this costume- the closest you get to free is banging out 30.00 bucks on etsy for the paper pattern only.... oh and if your plus-sized, forget it....never gonna happen. >_< I'll fall over and sh&%$ a goldbrick if someone posts patterns for harley's outfit for free. *lol* Sorry to disappoint. TT
You see I'm a HUGE Harley Quinn fan I've loved her ever since I was a little girl! well I'm 15 and I want to be her for Halloween I've saved up money for a costume but haven't found a good priced for one cause it's either it's really good but too much money or really cheap but crapy looking!:pout: I've seen the ones on the costume sites and their terrible looking! what should I do and where could I find one that's no more than 50 bucks?::noidea: