Is there a phone for T-Mobile that resembles a Blackjack?


New member
Nov 8, 2010
I was thinking about buying a Blackberry but not sure how bad I want one since I am told they can be rather bad.. Thinking about buying an iPhone and unlocking it, but since I wouldn't have a service plan, if something got messed up I would be S.O.L. And I found my old Blackjack from AT&T today and was messing with it and remembered how much I used to like that phone, and how I loved the way it was laid out, but I couldn't unlock that one to T-Mobile because its rather jacked up from a quite large fall it took last year. I would buy a nice AT&T phone and unlock it but its just that, if its from AT&T I would have no way of repairing it.. Now that I have type about a paragraph I think I have given enough information and would appreciate any responses.. also if you recommend a phone from AT&T make sure its a durable one that isn't going to run me tons of money.. thanks.