Is there change happening in politics now ?


New member
Sep 6, 2008
Obama's slogan: "Change we can believe in"
McCain's answer: "Change is coming"
Biden: "Palin isn't change"
Palin: "Change we can believe IN!"
Barack: "No change with McCain"
McCain fans on his pick of Palin: "This is change for the better!"
TV political commentators: "Politics has changed---we have not ever seen this before"

I should have my head examined for believing that politics has changed!
I believe it is perfect timing that we have Presidential elections a few days after Halloween.
Yes, there is. Either way it will not be two white guys winning. But the only one who really represents change in politics is Obama.
Sarah Palin is the real change women have been waiting for. There is no stopping her speeding train to victory and as a male that believes in women's rights I couldn't be happier.