Is this the greatest rant ever?


New member
Apr 21, 2008
HISTORY is what its all about.and we(LIVERPOOL FOOTBALL CLUB)make history and the rest are on catch up,but they never will as we will write more of it again this season.
"why dont you look it up like you do everrything else? maybe then you will see that liverpool are britains most successful club and that is a fact,
dont know why but it really hurts you fans,
liverpool may not have won the league recently but if you are a man u fan suppose you trouble with MBS- see a doc- it took utd 6 managers and god knows how many millions plus 26 yes 26!!!!!! years to win the league and fergie couldnt achive that until 5 years into his job.
so rafa hasnt won it yet but look what he has done in 4 years, league cup, fa cup, 2 CHAMPIONS LEAGUE FINALS- fergie did 2 in 21 years
the super cup and a charity shield

IMO 2 is 2 so dont see what the problem is, real double you got **** in your eyes????? LOL

how many season ticket holders man u has????
what is man u anthem
why is there no atmosphere at old trafford
why is old trafford call theatre of dreams????????
is it because they can only dream- to actually be one day like liverpool ???
when they have overtaken liverpool in terms of trophies i will hold my hands up and say utd are the best.
on a tour of anfield recently 4 man u supporters were there, when asked why come to anfield the reply was there is no team in britain with a better history of wining trophies so they just had to pay a visit before the new stadium is built, these guys have been supporting utd for over 25 years which is more than can be said for a lot of fans on this forum.";_ylt=Ar_vedR2G38CHTq.bxORW3fOBwx.;_ylv=3?qid=20081025094435AAVSQ8I

Ha ha, how fantastic is that! ;-)

Sorry, I just had to post far as bias bitter rants go that's a good one ;)
Deano: It is NOT me saying that! It's a quotation from the question I've provided a link to!
oh no, please lets not have another liverpool/united battle on here.
the next game is the most important for any team
history is history - its gone, move on.
what does history mean to hull,? there's is really only starting this season.
He/ she just sounds bitter, but i have to say, starting from the last 5 lines, he just looks like a knob, cus i don't believe a Man utd fan, especially one who's been a fan for the past 25yrs and saw a little of the Man United/ liverpool rivalry when it was still red-hot would even step foot in Anfield for a tour...