Is this the view of the future that the Republicans have of the USA?

If I click on that site I'm not going to get a virus, will I? If it's the veiw of rush, and I'm republican it's gonna rain fire and the earth is going to swollw us up just because the first lady gave the queen an i-pod. If nothing else all this stupidy is entertaining. It's like the spook house you pay these people to scare you. OOOOOOOOOOO I'm soooo scared.
we have already lost out liberties with Hussein in the whitehouse, pelosi and franks in congress. This is a sad time in our history.
we have already lost out liberties with Hussein in the whitehouse, pelosi and franks in congress. This is a sad time in our history.
No, that is what the special intrest groups that run our Government want for America, The Council of Foreign Relations, The Bildaberg Group, and The Trilateral Commision have all stated that thier goal is one world goverment dictatorship, and those people run our government (Look who members are)
we have already lost out liberties with Hussein in the whitehouse, pelosi and franks in congress. This is a sad time in our history.
If I click on that site I'm not going to get a virus, will I? If it's the veiw of rush, and I'm republican it's gonna rain fire and the earth is going to swollw us up just because the first lady gave the queen an i-pod. If nothing else all this stupidy is entertaining. It's like the spook house you pay these people to scare you. OOOOOOOOOOO I'm soooo scared.
we have already lost out liberties with Hussein in the whitehouse, pelosi and franks in congress. This is a sad time in our history.