isn't funny????????????


New member
Jul 3, 2009
how lakers fans are going crazy because they got ron artest but they hated him when he was with the rockets and they hated him even more when him and kobe got into it when the rockets vs lakers series was going?
Biggest Fakers Fan In The World you know you were pi ss ed when artest was bout to knock out kobe
Because Artest is a good player and a amazing upgrade to the lakers
Yes i hated him!!!
not only cuz he was doing so damn well
cuz he tried to hit kobe!
but now he is on the LAKERS so now i love him!!
but if he sux... then i will hate him again lol
this kinda reminds me of when bulls fans hated dennis rodman with a passion, then when the bulls get him they love him to death. same thing with artest to the lakers.
agree. most of the fans are band wagoners and don't pay attention to the nba. i agree with you. when the rockets played the lakers the fued between bryant and artest was crazy. every time some controversy would break out. i honestly don't see him doing good in LA. WHy? because artest is always trying to look like the big man on the court. kobe bryant does the same. this means the two are going to hog the ball and create no chemistry!!!
You think people hated ron artest? That's the most obvious assumption some dumb fucking asshole like yourself could make. I respected the hell out of his game when we played him. Hell, he helped take LA to 7 games without Yao. That's more than I can say for Orlando, boston or cleveland.