Isn't it sad?



There is so cynicism and fear-mongering in this election. Fears of the unknown seem to be dominating all the boards.Why do we believe that this party or that one is trying to screw us?Why do we insist on placing so huge an emphasis on a name?Why do we allow racial intolerance and slurs to abound?Why is it impossible to believe that all the candidates are good people who want what they believe is best for America?Why do we think we can watch 30-second sound bytes and get a clear picture of who a person really is?Why do we think we have all the details or know the whole story?Why don't we keep the debate to substantive issues?As it says in the Bible, "Come, let us reason together."To the Truth: Actually, I happen not to be a Christian, rather used that particular reference as just the:a literary reference.Don't break a leg jumping to conclusions.Who's the sheep now b*tch!
man u asked too many questioni wonder where do i start
Because they all lied multiple times, and without even apologizing, even when these idiots get caught lying, instead of saying they are sorry, they choose to say 'misspoke''didn't know' or 'can't remember'
Which question would you like me to answer?1.The democratic party was taken over by hardline socialsts in the 1990s after years of concentrated funding from the Soviet Union and China. It is the mantle of Socialism to gain control of a government by spreading hate and discord. The only way this can be accomplished is that the people are led to believe they are in dire straits. Therefore, democrats are fully invested in what is wrong with American life, they are committed to destroying the middle classes through taxation & regulation and totally devoted to creating distress and division among it's people.2. Because he lied about it: Obama claims his name is African Swahili - LIAR, your name is Arabic and ‘Baraka’ (from which Barack came) means ‘blessed’ in that language. Hussein is also Arabic and so is Obama.Obama Claims I Never Practiced Islam - LIAR, you practiced it daily at school, where you were registered as a Muslim and kept that faith for 31 years,until your wife made you change, so you could run for office.3. This is one sided, our culture allows any black person to claim to be a expert on racism and say anything they want while white people are called racist for ANY comment involving color.4. Because the candidates lie, they have all been caught lying, their personal vision skews the fact they are supposed to represent the will of the people.5. Only ignorant form opinions based on sound bites.6. We don't have all the details, an informed voter must never stop learning about the candidates and issues from various sources.7. The important issues are pushed to the background by the liberal media because they are aware of thier candidates lack of proffessional experience and ethics.
you are so right.but don't expect to get too many intelligent answers out here to your thought provoking questions.hate destroys the hater. it destroys them physically, emotionally, and prevents them from thinking rationally and just look at the answers you'll receive. you'll know exactly whom i talking about.but thanks for trying.
The fact that you quoted the bible (lower case intended) makes you nothing more than a kool aid swilling idiot. The fact that this country elected (twice!!!) someone who was over matched for this job make us a third world country.Every single candidate running for this election (past and present) was not worthy for our time. Yet we continue to waste our time with this nonsense. You sheep are more than welcome to continue following behind your slave master. I'll stand on the sidelines and make fun of your monkey @sses.
Yep, just like the bible says, We came. and we reasoned together and guess what, a liberal is a liberal is a liberalLiberals do not believe in freedom,. they take away our freedoms every chance they get. You can't eat transfats, you can't smoke in your office, you can't drive without your seatbelt, and on and onLiberals are the ones that brought out the race card in this race, they are the ones that are really racist, they are the ones that hold down minorities, don't give them jobs, give them welfare, don't let them have school vouchers - make them go to government schools, and on and on.Listen to the 30 second sound bytes, or listen to the whole sermon, and listen the explainations and guess what - you come to the same conclusion.Lets spend 50 billion for alternative fuels, when we could let the oil companies drill in the Artic, Gulf of Mexica, off the coast of Florida at their expense and the results would be no forgein oil dependency Yes the democratic nominees are good people, one's mentor and pastor is a racist who hates America, well why not, they share the same ideas.The other candidate will lie evey chance she gets, has done nothing with her life, and will take out country nowhere.Get real and face the reality
I don't think it is cynical I think it is skepticism. All the parties always say they are going to do this and that and usually in end, only 1/2 of what they want to accomplish is done.