Isn't this funny.......?


May 13, 2008
Isn't it funny how Israel is a democracy even though their past civilization was never one. I mean back in the "days" they were lead by judges who depended on God's leadership then kings who were advised by prophets who were servants of God.

Unfortunately they were kicked out of their homeland and had to dwell in foreign places only to be discriminated against and persecuted unfairly by bigoted morons and angry jackasses that only supported the idea of retreating back to their place of origin. So for some reason they attempt to get their homeland back with the aid of several nations because Israel wanted to become a "DEMOCRATIC" nation let alone the fact that they just want go back regardless of the structure of government they had in mind.
I mean that's what I hear from people that answer me when I ask why is the US which is 14 TRILLION dollars in debt right now financially supporting a country that should support itself. They tell me
" It is the only democracy in the middle east and we need to defend it against terrorism :p"
I didn't know we were still in the cold war competing with russia on how many countries favor our lifestyle than their lifestyle. Should it really be any of our concern what goes on outside our country regardless political beliefs? I just find it funny how a nation likes to be independent yet seems to be financialy dependent at the same time but hey I guess I'm not smart enough to argue with that logic :p
Isn't that funny?