Israel Blockades Lebanon

Actually I'm glad you brought this up. It gives me an opportunity to illustrate how ignorant you and anyone else who tries to connect Nazis with Israel's actions really is.

For starters, given the history of the Jewish people, that comparison is grossly inappropriate and offensive. In the absence of your mother, "Shame on you."

Second, the comparsion is intellectually bankrupt. Hitler's Nazis killed Jews because they were Jewish. Israel kills Islamic Militants, not because they are Muslims, but because they are Militant. Jews posed no military threat to the 3rd Reich, Hezbollah and Hamas have stockpiles of weapons, explosives, mortars, and rockets which they can and do use to kill Israeli citizens. Jews did not strap bombs on themselves and attempt to blow up the Luftwaffe, Hamas' homicide bombers put bomb vests on young people and send them to blow up Israeli buses and pizza shops. Jews did not proclaim their hatred of the Aryans and try to push Germany into the Baltic sea, Hezbollah and Hamas have as publicly stated goals the extermination of the Jewish State. In short, the comparison is ridiculous and the mark of under-developed critical thinking skills. I can recommend several books on rhetoric that would help you learn how to craft a credible argument to avoid future embarrassement.
use the police to arrest them all and have trial with due process with actual evidence, duh!

Machiavelli is rolling in his grave right now.
Agreed. But in the context of a military struggle between two parties, it makes no sense to "fight fair". If I have a rock and you have a gun, and we are going to try and kill each other, would you put your gun down and pick up a rock to make it fair?
Slip, I think it's wrong to try and characterize 'proportionate' in terms of lives. If one country attacks another and kills 100,000 people, the war isn't and shouldn't be over when the second nation kills 100,000 back. Rather, 'proportionate' should be evaluated in terms of creating the conditions required to ensure the orginal hostile act doesn't happen again. Otherwise the situation just devolves into a perpetual cycle of blood letting, somewhat similar to what's been going on over there for 30 years because of the unwillingness to use the force necessary to end the conflict once and for all. My guess is the Israelis will stop short yet again this time as well.
Every law enforcement agency in the world would consider having rocks thrown at officers a deadly force situation and uphold the officer's right to respond with his weapon; if that helps you.
Frankly speaking - I don't really see how Israel plans on stopping this problem. As every time they kill more civilians they simply create an exponential amount of Hezbollah recruits. So unless they plan to stay in Lebanon indefinitely they're in for a very hard way to go... in fact even if they stay in Lebanon they're in for a very hard way to go. They are attempting to fight what ammounts to a guerilla war on conventional terms and we all know where that goes. Nowehere fast.

I'm not really sure what the next move is for Israel - they're not going to pull back unless they absolutely have to.. but at the same time - by bombing and being there they haven not stopped the rocket attacks either.
The entire idea of fighting fair in a war is ridiculous. Fighting fair implies equal combat effectiveness, which means equal possibility of winning. What idiot goes to war with a 50-50 chance of losing.
I disagree I think Zionists and Nazi's have much in common, in fact many Zionists collaborated with the Nazi's.

but it is ironic that the Jews once persecuted by the Nazi's have gone on to persecute and oppress the Palestinians.

as does Israel

perhaps they should have ?

Zionists shoot Palestinian Children, bulldoze homes and steel land
You rock, no really. You're awesome. You made me feel so much better about myself just now.
I'll pick the rest of your drivel apart later; but R.A.F. in this context obviously refers to the Red Army Faction, sometimes referred to a the "Bader-Meinhof gang". Anyone with even the slightest background knowledge of terrorism in Europe would've picked up on that.
I find it quite telling that according to offical reports the IDF has suffered double the number of casualties as Hezbollah itself. Even the Lebanese Army who are largely uninvolved have suffered more casualties than Hezbollah. Israels tactics are working a treat.
Valid points to some extent, but they are only true within the framework you operate.

Lets first clear things up a bit. I did not call the Jews Nazis, I merely insinuated that your opinions carry a similar flavor to a far right extremist. Perhaps, you should leave your assumptions and read more carefully. But hey, lets re-examine the situation of comparing Israelis current actions to the past actions of the Nazis.

I would assume that given the history of the Jewish people, they should be, more than most, aware of the second class citizens, if not animals that they brand Arabs as. Not dissimilar to the dehumanization of Jews by Nazis. Quite obviously this is not something you see on TV, but go speak to some Israelis and find out their opinions. I have personally spoken to several adults, teens and kids, and to me most of them dehumanize Arabs as animals. This is the exactly same attitude that caused the holocaust. Hence a comparison to Nazis is not that unfathomable. All people need to realize the mistakes of the past and reexamine their own attitudes in order to prevent lunacy repeating, otherwise we’re just going in circles. Personally this self examination is something that is greatly missed amongst the majority of Israelis.

Actually, Hitler’s Nazi’s initially perceived Jews as a threat, albeit more economic than militaristic, regardless, you have seen the end result for yourself. Its quite easy to see the similarity. Israelis perceive a threat amongst the Arabs (who are, least you forget fighting to liberate their occupied land) and proceed to wipe out a whole dang country, civilians, infrastructure, hell the whole damn thing. To me this looks like a holocaust. Just because they say their targets are militants, aka rebels, aka freedom fighters, it is not stopping the Israelis from destroying a sovereign country and its peoples, and hey I’m sure the Nazi like dehumanization of Arabs is making this a whole lot easier on the average Israeli mind.

Anyway mate, I aint got anything against you, I’m just debating for the sake of it. But, do you really think its so strange of me to liken you to a Nazi when your post show such a disregard for human life?