Israel Blockades Lebanon

I don’t really see how the Muslim community bears a responsibility for the acts of a few extremists, its not like these people walk around with signs around their necks, and in fact if the majority of Muslims don’t support terrorism, what more is there that can be done? The extremists are not visible.

Conversely, we have a country like the US and Israel with so called "democratic" governments, and these have slaughtered many more innocent people than all the terrorists put together. Why don’t the US and Israeli community do something about their murderous leaders? It is democracy right, these mass murders are being committed in the names of the citizens which elected these “democratic” governments.
'Islamic Law' as based upon the Qu'ran, Hadith etc. presumably doesn't contain any specific reference to 'terrorism' since it is a very modern concept.

For example, UK law has only had specifically terrorism-related offences in the last few years. Traditionally it was the actions themselves (like 'murder') which were specific offenses, rather than 'terrorism'.
Simple answer to this one.

Because they are not directly involved in it and have no power to do so. Using my continuing analagy I could ask why did the Irish Catholics not put a stop to the IRA? The majority of Irish Catholics were neither members or supporters. There were sympathisers yes but that's a world apart from active involvement!

Anyway, the Muslim Council of Great Britain has condemned these terrorist actions. There are many many Muslim Clerics around the world speaking out againt violence. It just doesn't get the press coverage.

Also, globally it is a tiny proportion of Muslim Clerics that support terrorism, however these get a enormous amount of press coverage.

A recent poll in the UK stated almost 70% of Britains are opposed to Israels 'invasion' of Lebanon.

So, I may as well ask, "what are the British people doing about it"?

The fact is most normal everyday people, regardless of religion or race have very little power against their government and religious leaders.

Some of us can protest yes. Most of us get to put an X in a box every 5 years or so, but other than that what can we really do?

Edit. Just noticed Inthespirit has said pretty much the same thing
I want to see the government putting their foot down and telling the US to find another country to fly their weapons shipments through. Chance are though we'll give them free fuel.

I have never been so tempted to vote tory as I am now,
Loads of interesting articles here.

and here
Looking at the photos at the bottom of that page, I have to say I admire their honesty about the situation.

Good link.
unfortunately Blair is besotted with Bush he just does what he told, in fact I think he's off to the USA to receive his latest orders from his master. Blair is a traitor to his country.

to true, I have even considered voting tory, how things have changed.
Tell me about it! It makes me feel unclean too, but let's face it the 'New Labour Project' has almost no connection with pre Blair labour politics.

It certainly all changed after Blair 'fell in love' with Bush.

I find Blair's fixation with Bush a National Embarassment. It makes me cringe

Anyway here's another good article.
But will he knit GWB a nice wooly jumper?

Bush & Blair. It's such a traditional husband and wife relationship!
You are the one going on about it is the only smart thing to do. Frankly, it appears that you realize that it is illegal, unethical, and cowardly and nobody should be doing it but you think it is okay for Hezbollah to do it. That is what I am having a hard time grasping.
Then they really should pull their heads out of the sand. When they get leaflets dropped on them telling them the area will be bombed at a certain time and for a certain reason, they should know. When this has been covered as much as it has in the media, they should know.
Cluster bombs are designed and marketed to kill non-military targets. If they are using them in civilian areas then the military knows full well they are killing civilians on purpose.

If Britain is the US's bitch, and the US is Israel's bitch, what does that make Britain to Israel?
When the kkk does a rally in most cities here in the US, the vast majority of the churches and people condemn them. They do it before any violence starts. When the muslim extremists attack, you have a few that denounce it, most keep quiet (although to give the benefit of the doubt, it could be out of fear of provoking reprisals), and as many groups publicly applaud it as denounce it. Others seem to at least condone it. And that occurs afterwards after the violence.

What communities? What about muslims in general?