Israel Blockades Lebanon

You make it sound like its there own fault for living there in the first place, some people cant afford to leave, and how are they supposed to leave when all the roads are blown up, or they could be blown by the Zionist War Criminals whilst trying to escape. Far better that Israel halted its policy of indiscriminately bombing and killing civilians.
I applaud those websites and their aims.

Let me put a quote from the freemuslims website:

I think that they realize that their is a broad base of support for Islamic terrorism and they are trying to combat it. That is a wonderful beginning.
They certainly can't help where they were born. Most people there, probably can't even help where they live. But they can certainly put the blame on the right people, which is Hezbollah, instead of supporting them.

"Cluster munitions are air-dropped or ground launched shells that eject multiple small submunitions (bomblets). Their primary purpose is to kill enemy soldiers, although specialized weapons designed for anti-runway, anti-armor and mine-scattering purposes have also been developed."
[RANT]So when it's the KKK it's the KKK, but when it's Hezbollah then it's the 'Muslims'.

If it's Hezbollah then say it's Hezbollah. Or else when it's the KKK say 'the Christians'! But please try to be a bit more consistant, because it's confusing otherwise.

It's like when Israel does such-and-such and people say 'the Jews' did such-and-such. It gets right up my nose.

Read it again. I didn't say muslims. I said muslim extremists. I could have named all the different groups, but it is easier to say that than to say Hebollah, Hamas, Al-Qaida, ad nauseum.

I did compare the Christian community and the Muslim community, but did not say those were the ones doing the violence. The difference is in how vocal the two communities seem to be when a group loosely thought of as part of their community should be condemned.
You lump them together as though they were some sort of coalition! If you put Hezbollah and al Qaida together in the same place they'd probably do a better job of wiping each other out than the USA and Israel combined!
They are a coalition. Just a very loose one that pretty much hates each other too, just less than they do Israel and the US. When they make their declarations of holy war and that all Muslims are to join them (which thankfully, the vast majority don't) they are effectively making a coalition.

In the Palestinian thread, there was a link to an article about two different groups of terrorists that had a shootout near a paletinian school and killed some of the palestinian students. Of course, some tried to point those kids as being part of the total of children killed and point the blame to Israel.
Latest Headline:

Blair to push Bush for an immediate ceasefire.

Israel pulls troops out of Gaza.

Israel is using the phone to call up the homes of people and sites to warn them before bombing.
Email service sends me headlines from cnn, msn, yahoo, foxnewss, etc. based on the criteria that I have set up. Something that work pays for. I am not really sure who the service is because we portal it.
Yeah, its on BBC news now as well.. I guess the Gaza thing is due to a more immediate threat on a diffrent front.. maybe.. not too sure about that phone thing though.. what woudl be the point? how do they know their not calling Hezbollah and telling them their flat is gonna get wrecked? plus do the phones even work? and does Lebanon have a system whci encompases a phone number/address database? I reckon it may be just Israeli chatter to ease some international preassure off themselves..

edit: added phone stuff..
The blame is firmly with the Zionist Terrorists Warmongers, after all they are the ones killing children and UN observers.
Did Israel start getting hit by rockets by June 12th, nearly a month before Israel attacked? Yes.

Did Israel have Hezbollah members come from Lebanon into Israel and kill Israelis and kidnap two soldiers before Israel attacked? Yes.

Was Lebanon and Hezbollah in defiance of Resolution 1559 which stated they had to disarm all the militias? Yes.

Did Hezebollah take these actions while Israel was already involved with Hamas for a similiar incident and thus know that Israel would take action? Yes.

Did Hezebollah knowingly plan their attacks with the intent to provoke Israel to retaliate? Yes.

Does Hezebollah continue to hide among the civilian population and try to use them as shields both for their own protection and as a means of propoganda to say that Israel is killing innocent people? Yes.

Are many of the people supporting Hezebollah by providing them hiding places or other means of support. Yes.

Then the only logical conclusion is that Hezbollah is getting what they asked for. They wanted the outcome they are receiving and thus are responsible for it.
Yeah maybe. Either way, since the Israelis have withdrawn, I guess we'll now see an end to attacks on Israel from inside Gaza, right?
We may if Israel is able to keep a ceasefire, in the past they have never observed a ceasfire and have continued terrorising the civilian population.