It makes no sense!


Mar 21, 2008
So iv been thinking there have been quite a few threads with quirky games like
"This" vs "That" first thing that comes to mind when reading "This"

This could either be a Epic Fail or EPIC LMAO potential.

I'm going to post a sentence that does technically make sense, but still makes you think what?? say that again? so the idea is to be completly random while maintaining a certain amount of sentence structure,

for example a bunch of random words that don't follow each other defeats the purpose.

Here we go.

Sometimes..... I wear socks, by myself
When i'm thirsty i'm often hydrated, which helps me thread my belt, which circles my waist one and a half times.
142 men where seen leaving Miss Jone's flat over the space of 48 hours, police have therefore charged Miss Jones with keeping an unruly horse.

This method of contraception is 99% effective, this means that fewer than three women in 100 will get pregnant.

A small cat was rescued after a house fire, petrol and matches where found on the cat.
One fine day in the middle of the night,
Two dead men got up to fight,
Back to back they faced each other,
Drew their swords and shot each other,

One was blind and the other couldn't, see
So they chose a dummy for a referee.
A blind man went to see fair play,
A dumb man went to shout "hooray!"

A paralysed donkey passing by,
Kicked the blind man in the eye,
Knocked him through a nine inch wall,
Into a dry ditch and drowned them all,

A deaf policeman heard the noise,
And came to arrest the two dead boys,
If you don't believe this story’s true,
Ask the blind man he saw it too!

English ryme
I thought for a second the title of this thread was "It makes no sensei", so you've got a MA related pun, if it counts.
What is it with people posting jokes that make no sense?

To get to the other side.
One 1 was a racehorse, two 2 was one too. One 1 won one race and two 2 won one too.

If you notice this notice you will notice this notice was not worth noticing.