its hard to be 15 and bisexual?

its so hard. im christian and i cant tell my parents
alot of ppl are actually coming out at school and i want to too. im not scared of being judged.. im just scared that word would get back to my parents.
help? how do i come out.....! grr.
i think u should just come out at school and if ur parents ever find out they'll get over it cuz their ur parents and will love u no matter what
If your parents don't accept you, then do the same in return! They should love you for who you are and if they really cared then they wouldn't mind. They will find out soon enough, it is best to get it off your chest now. Be strong, thousands of other people are in your situation.
If your parents don't accept you, then do the same in return! They should love you for who you are and if they really cared then they wouldn't mind. They will find out soon enough, it is best to get it off your chest now. Be strong, thousands of other people are in your situation.
i am i th EXACT situation except im 14 and i've come out to some of my friends but im christian too and I dont know how to tell my parents or my other family