I've fractured my radius of my forearm about 2 months ago, is my arm normal now?


Mar 31, 2008
when i roughly touch/feel the scar, it gives me a bit of stingy feel. is there a chance i may break my arm if i try putting force to it such as arm wrestling and lifting heavy objects ?
Possibly. Consult your Doctor dude he'll give you all the Info you need. If you just broke it 2 months ago id give it a couple more months be for arm wrestling aha! XD It could be steal helling. Eat a lot of potassium and other things could for strengthening bones. Let er heal completely up is my Guess. :p take it easy here is a loli pop come back soon
i broke my arm twice so i kno the drill. fer broken arms the recovery time is 4-6 weeks w/ a cast but for fractured (soft cast) probs lk 3 weeks if u do hv a soft cast u hv to understand that u r imobilizing ur whole arm so it will take a while to get back to normal. i wouldnt lift ne thing heavy yet because u could really damage it and might need surgery (which is not fun trust me) wait a 2 more weeks and c how it feels!!!!:)
It is hard to tell..the best thing to do is to go see a doctor. The best advice will be given to you. Before then, make sure not to put too much weight on it.