I've lost my sense of humor, can you help me find it?

Ooh, you are a prime candidate for the fine art of sarcasm. Learn to voice your anger in slow chunks with a smile so that they are always guessing, was it humor or anger.
You just need a few catch phrases like, "That's what she said" or "Rectum? Damn near killed him".

You need to get back on that horse, sweetie.
If you find it, let me know where you found it because I lost mine weeks ago and I still haven't gotten it back... ::looks around::
The dental hygienist told me today that she lost her daughter's Hannah Montana DVD but found it in the freezer. I think she had been hitting the nitrous...
a symptom of age ... remember the good old days and try to find your way back to the giggley side.
But now you can be funnier than ever. Mwahahahaha!!!!!!!
Use the humour of anger, sarcasm.
It will be your friend now.