Janitors kid


New member
May 20, 2008
So over the summer some kid F/R'ed me and Myspace. I had no idea who he is. After telling him to fuck off, he threatened to "kick my freshie ass". I laugh and don't expect much at all. Now it turns out the fag loser is in my P.E. class. Now, every goddamn time he sees me he makes jokes from one of the "Harry Potter" movies. But here's the bad part, his dad is the fucking JANITOR and he's a complete fucking loser. I mean, it seriously could not be worse for him. Should i start shit, or ignore him?

EDIT: To add, he always stays in sight of adults and teachers.
I'd have to chloroform him...
ignore him....his dad's a janitor...he probably catches shit from everyone else everyday
Just ignore it - he probably makes fun of you because he hates his life and has to vent. Or then again, maybe beating him up would send his anger towards someone else and not you. Who knows?
But would he at some point stop even talking to me if i ignored him?
I don't want to look like a pussy by just letting him talk shit all the time...
Your poll is incomplete. You forgot the "Get you ass kicked by him" option. Seriously though, you sound like an ass for making fun of a kid whos dad has a bad job.
Yeah, I understand - it's a sticky situation. It's lose/lose so pick one and go with it. Basically, tell him to either stfu or fight, but not switching (wanting to fight, and then making fun).
I didn't even want to talk to him or anything. He just randomly started messaging me and I told him to fuck off because I had NO idea who he was and anything about him. He's the one asking for all of this. I've told him to stop for his own good plenty of times but he's been doing it for like 2 months.
Steal some of the stuff from the science department that makes you instantly puke eat a fricking huge lunch or get one of your freinds or do it together to and puke the shit out of the cafateria and when his dad comes to clean it all up, point out that it is his dad.
You kick that smelly kids ass and then make a thread how he jumped you, and then you kicked his ass.
Exactly tied.

I say don't bother, chances are you could get into even more trouble since he's probably the kind to go whine to his dad, who would then go whine to the principle. Seriously not even worth your time if the kid is that pathetic.
I read the first post over again, and I stick with my original statement, but I have to ask..

What kind of joke does he use from the Harry Potter movies? I can't think of any at all that would deserving of a Gov't beat down.