Jehovah’s Witnesses how do you know that Jesus Christ returned invisibly in 1914?


Jun 1, 2008
I found a part in the book, ‘God’s Word For Us Through’ Jeremiah page 55 that says the following:

“Archaeologist Eilat Mazar reports unearthing a small
clay seal impression, or bulla. (below left) It was found in
2005 during a supervised excavation of a layer dating back
to when jerusalem was destroyed in 607 B.CE. The seal
bears the ancient Hebrew name "Yehuchal ben Shelemyahu,"
which is "lucal the son of Shelemiah" in English.
later, in a similar layer and just a few yards away, anoth•
er bulla was uncovered. (below right) It bears the name
"Gedalyahu ben Pashhur," or "Gedaliah
the son of Pashhur."”

Now take a look at the archeologist reference or source the Watchtower pulled this from:

Here are some highlights:

Mazar: We do not yet have clear evidence of the destruction. We may in future seasons. But I believe that it was part of the great destruction of Jerusalem in 586 B.C. by the Babylonians. We have lots of other evidence of this destruction nearby.

Mazar: At the beginning of the 1980s, Professor Yigal Shiloh, a mentor of mine, excavated an area that includes what is known as the Burnt Room and the Bullae House. In their destruction layer, he found pottery typical of this period together with arrowheads that show that some fight was conducted here. It really revealed the destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonians in 586 B.C.
Q: And more evidence for the invasion and destruction has also emerged, is that right?
Mazar: Yes. In my excavations at the Ophel, to the south of the Temple Mount, I discovered a royal structure that appears to have been destroyed by an immense fire around 586 B.C. As we excavated, our hands were black with the ashes. And the Bible tells us that the Babylonians set houses on fire.

Two years after the discovery of the tiny clay bulla, or stamp, bearing the name of Yehuchal ben Shelemiyahu, Mazar's excavation brought to light a similar stamp from the same location. In ancient Hebrew script, it reads "Gedaliah ben Pashur." Ben Pashur's name appears in the same verse of the Book of Jeremiah (38:1) as ben Shelemiyahu's. Both men, according to the Bible, served as ministers in the court of King Zedekiah, who reigned from 597–587/6 B.C., just prior to the destruction of the First Temple and fall of Jerusalem.

The Watchtower uses this interview to try and verify their belief that the time line points to a 1914 date. However, the date is actually 586 B.C. yet they blatantly change the date to 607 B.C. Instead of staying true and honest to Eilat Mazar’s statements, they changed the date to fit their own doctrinal needs. This is deception at its most raw form, using real and facts from real scientist and twisting it to try and reaffirm their doctrines yet fail to present the facts in full. I think they did this because it makes their beliefs to appear to have creditability. Is this why they tell their members not to research outside of the organization’s published works? So they can control the flow of information and feed their members a bias and adjusted facts? The Watchtower can’t deal with the 1914 date being exposed as false, so they lie to their members. This is really wrong indeed.
If you dont' want to read watch this video: