Jesus Christ(peace be upon him) is a Muslim, i have proof from Bible?


Aug 16, 2008
It is Mentioned in the Bible in

Gospel of john chapter number-5 verse number-30

Jesus Christ(peace be upon him) said:"I cannot do anything on my own; I judge as I hear, and my judgment is just, because I do not seek my own will but the will of the one who sent me.

Anyone who says… I Seek Not my will but the will of all Mighty God’ - he is a Muslim. Muslim means the person who submits his will to almighty God. Jesus Christ (peace be upon him) is a Muslim, He Never Claim divinity.

May Allah show you the right Path...
What the Qur’?n Says About Christ

? The angels announced good news from God to Mary. She would give birth to Jesus.—?l ‘Imr?n [3]:45.

? He was born of God’s spirit, without a human father.—Al-Anbiy?’ [21]:91.

? He was born holy (“faultless,” MMP).—Maryam [19]:19.

? God made of him a sign for mankind and a mercy from Him. —Maryam [19]:21.

? It was said of him that he was the Word of God and his Spirit.—Compare ?l ‘Imr?n [3]:45; Al-Nis?’ [4]:171.

? God appointed him as prophet and apostle.—Al-Nis?’ [4]:171; Maryam [19]:30.

? God taught him the Book and Wisdom, the Torah and the Inj?l.—?l ‘Imr?n [3]:48.

? He performed miracles from God, and was strengthened by Him with holy spirit.—Al-Baqarah [2]:87; Al-M?’idah [5]:113.

? He healed the blind and the lepers, raised the dead, and foretold the unknown.—?l ‘Imr?n [3]:49.
? God rendered him to be in honor in this world and forever after and in the company of those nearest to God.—?l ‘Imr?n [3]:45.

? God caused Christ to die, raised him to life, and then lifted him up to Him.—?l ‘Imr?n [3]:55, NJD; Maryam [19]:33, NJD.
Why is that important to you? Is the authority of the church more important than the message? I think all the leaders of the Muslim and Christian church should be made to go out into the world and work for a living while the people of faith carry on without them. They only divide mankind for the sake of their personal authority and power.

You are right about one thing.

Jesus never claimed divinity.

He always credited his Father as being God and Creator.

But he is more than a prophet as Muslims think.

He was the son of God.

And he said: "No one comes to the Father except through me".

I think sometimes that Muslims let the false doctrine of a "Trinity" steer them away from the true essence of Christ.

So what do you think of this verse then?
John 8:57 Then said the Jews unto him, Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham?
John 8:58 Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.
John 8:59 Then took they up stones to cast at him: but Jesus hid himself, and went out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by.
Why does it matter so much as to which faith Jesus belonged to? All that should matter is that he was sent to this earth by Allah with a message! The message was clear all Allah wants is for you humans to pray and believe in him and respect yourselves and your partners! At the end of the day every human that believes in God weather muslim, christian, jew, etc: should just pray to him. The sad part is that NONE of you worship him, you are too busy fighting amongst yourselves in the end Allah sees all of you as humans it does not matter what religion you are in!
He is not a muslim, he is a JEW! Maybe if you continue to read the Bible you will finally be exposed to the truth, and see that your allah is not God. There are many muslims who find the truth, and you could be next. Be Blessed
Oh yeah! I saw that article too! Where they interviewed Christ after his conversion to Islam:

"People of all nations, in the past, you have heard Me say that whosoever shall believe in Me shall not die, but have eternal life," Christ said. "But now, I say unto you, forget I ever said that."
How many Muslims would have allowed someone else to call them "My Lord and my God" as Thomas did to Jesus without trying to correct the other person?