Jesus Christ really existed so how come you don't believe His Word?


Jul 21, 2008
Jesus Christ was real in history, secular historians wrote about him, and continual facts exist about Jesus Christ. Why is it that you don't believe in Him.
Either you call Him the Lord of your life and believe everything he says and you have everlasting life.
Or you call Him a crazy man and continue on living in your sins
Or you call Him a liar and you condemn yourself for doing that
1 John 1:8 it says
If we claim we have no sin, we are only fooling ourselves and not living in the truth.

But what it comes down to is the Holy Spirit revealing our sinfulness and the need of a Savior so why not give Jesus Christ a try and see what he has in store for you. A new life
Charlie Chaplin was real too, and there's probably more evidence that he was the son of God.
If Jesus did exist, what objective evidence do you have? But yet, you resort to logical fallacies. How sad.
What "secular historian" who actually lived during Jesus' supposed time wrote about him? Hell, non-secular "historians" didn't write about him for 80-some years after it is claimed he died.
You provide no source.
You're probably just lying for Jesus, which is still lying.

Besides, why should I believe the words of someone who may have existed over the words of people who DO exist?
There is no written account of Jesus from Jesus' lifetime. After that, it was claimed he was was about 60 generations after the first man on Earth, which is impossible since any old museum will demonstrate to you that humans have lived for about 2 million years. But the I guess you're not really interested.
OK, I will reluctantly grant you that, but why does that require me to be a slave to a dead man? I much rather make my own way in this world, and I am certainly not concerned about an "afterlife", no one, as yet, has returned from the dead so it must not be all that bad.
Jae said "Twas brilig and the slithy toves." What? Nobody believes you said that? But it is written down, you must have said it. Now do you see how foolish it is to believe something just because it is written down? I have no doubt that you exist in some way shape or form but unless I hear something said by you, I cannot guarantee that it was in fact said by you.
Because Jesus never existed. Please provide historical proof. and don't say the bible, or I'll say the Mayan Popol Vuh is proof that the hero twin brothers Hunahpu and Xbaleque existed.
Pardon me while I wipe the tears of laughter away.
I think even the Christians here will flinch at that stream of simplistic crazy talk right there.
"Why not give Jesus Christ a try and see what he has in store for you." You make it sound like an advert for a DIY shop.
The nutjobs that claim to follow Him.
That's the reason they don't believe His Word: Hypocrisy.
unfortunately for many of these people their hearts and minds are closed anything beyond provable science is wasted on them, the bible tells of a great falling away from faith in the last days rejoice in it, and pray for those lost in it. but to think posting here will sway the hearts of these people is almost as foolish as their own beliefs just my opinion
Believers in Jesus Christ believe but what about atheists? Where is the Holy Spirit to remove the sins? It is to believe in one's own strengths and weaknesses.
It's been Distorted by the CHURCH....You can't trust it at all..........Many fake and made up stories.
Sorry, you're wrong.

There is absolutely no direct historical source which corroborates the existence of Christ.

The two main sources usually quoted are Tacitus and Josephus but they were both born after Christ was supposedly executed. So they could never have met him, never mind witness any of the events in the bible.

If you think otherwise, feel free to provide your sources. You'd gain worldwide celebrity and completely change the course of history.

I won't hold my breath.