Jimmy Fallon hands out funny awards to Olympians on his first 'Tonight Show'


Jun 17, 2007
Jimmy Fallon made his debut on "The Tonight Show" on Monday, replacing Jay Leno as host. Fallon didn't waste any time cracking on the Sochi Games. After introducing himself to the audience, he joked about the Olympics at the top of his monologue, even before talking about guests Will Smith and U2, or starting the star-studded skit that was the show's overall most viral moment.
In his Olympic segment, Fallon joked about Bob Costas' eye ("You could tell he was having trouble when he spent a half-hour interviewing a mop he thought was Shaun White") and Team USA beating Russia in ice hockey ("The American team said they're thrilled with the win while the Russian team is missing — we take them to a different kind of shoot-out," he said, the last part in a Russian accent).
His biggest Olympic gag, though, was handing out "awards" to Olympians from around the world. They weren't medals, but "most likely to" awards like you see in a high-school yearbook. He goofed on Charlie White, Danny Davis and others. Click through the slideshow above to see them all.
Do you have any Olympic "most likely to" awards of your own? Let's hear 'em in the comments.
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Mike Oz
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