jonas brothers outfit?


Feb 27, 2008
okay. so me and my friend are wearing everything jonas when we go back to school after vacation next week. so, heres pretty much our outfit so far :this shirt (we just got it in the mail) : pants : - but we did ours ourselves with a bedazzler. we rhinestoned nick onto the leg of my black pants and joe onto my friends black pantswe are gonna wear white flip flops & a pink under shirt with diamond earrings or hoops and some this good ? or do you think we should add more or change something? thanks :] peace. love and jonas<3& me and my friend are just doing this to have fun. you dont needa be rude and say we're gonna make fools of ourselves cause we dont care what others think of us and i just want honest and kind opinions of JONAS fans. thank you :]
that sounds awesome! i love it! also maybe you could get some jonas brothers buttons at limited 2 or something. or maybe a purse. i love it though. jonas brothers rock!
Sorry, but that's disgusting. Why would you wear that??? I know you are fans, but c'mon, be realistic!And in front of your WHOLE school? Good luck with that.
i think it'd b great, just so u know, they do have jewelry at the jonas brothers fan site, u might wanna get a neclace or bracelet or sumthin-have fun
if you came toi my school everyonw one would laugh.....not a good idea.its ugly dont waer it.thats a waist of there ugly evem though they do rock its too much
ahh thats a cute outfit! lol maybe you should get jewelry from their website or somewhere else! and a purse! ive seen a purse at Limited Too that has "I Love Nick. I Love Joe. I Love Kevin" on it! or on their website they have a really cute purse thats has JB all over it!and ive bought the necklace off of their website and i love it! so that could be something to buy and my sister has the bracelet from the website and its really cute also! and she also has the purse i was telling you about! lolso if you want to spend more money haha get some jewelry and a purse! but if not your outfit is really cute already. lol
u go girlif i could i wouldbut my friends don't like JB so they would probably think i look stupidbut from my point of view u would look finen i'm sure if JB knew that they would love it
Its a bit much, but cute.Its cool that you don't care what people think but you are sure to get at least one negative comment by someone..
That is some sick outfit! I love it! And i think it's really cool that you don;t care what ppl think of you. That rocks! Go idependence! lol. Have fun guys!