Josh Gordon not happy over accidentally tweeted story of his 2014 arrest


Jun 17, 2007
Cleveland Browns receiver Josh Gordon was suddenly trending on Twitter on Monday, and that's not a good thing for him. However, in this instance, he was the victim.
Gordon is spending this season away from the NFL, suspended for another violation of the league's substance-abuse policy. Gordon tested positive for alcohol, and he was not allowed to drink by the NFL after his DWI arrest in 2014.
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He has been criticized by plenty of people including the team and the media, and he has brought a lot of it on himself. He seems to be wasting what could be an incredible career. But imagine his response when all of a sudden everyone was talking about a story of a recent Gordon DWI arrest, when there was no such thing.
WXIA in Atlanta tweeted out that Gordon was arrested for DWI. Here's the problem: That was a story of the 2014 DWI, and WXIA said it auto-tweeted while it was doing maintenance on its site.
CLARIFICATION: While doing maintenance on our site, a 2014 story on Josh Gordon was auto-retweeted. Please note this story was from 2014.
— 11Alive News (@11AliveNews) August 10, 2015
Many people didn't bother to click the link or look at it closely, because there were plenty of comments on social media about Gordon wondering how he could screw up again. But he hadn't done anything wrong.
A few hours later Gordon, who rarely tweets from his confirmed account, battled back.
I've done my crimes & will forever do the time. But the false accusation is unwarranted. No need to beat the proverbial dead horse. Thanks.
— Flash Gordon (@JOSH_GORDONXII) August 10, 2015
Nobody had thought much about Gordon for most of this offseason, while he's suspended. Gordon wishes that would have continued, rather than to wonder why everyone was treating a year-old arrest like it was news.
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Frank Schwab is the editor of Shutdown Corner on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him at [email protected] or follow him on Twitter! Follow @YahooSchwab