Julian Assange discusses the embassy cables in July


Active member
Jun 6, 2008
This is interesting. Well, the whole conversation is interesting, but it gets especially interesting around 6 minutes ...

Question: ... there's this US Intelligence Analyst Bradley Manning arrested and it's alleged that he confessed in in a chatroom to have leaked .... 280 thousand classified us embassy cables. Did he?

Answer: Well, we have denied receiving those cables. He has been charged, five days ago, with obtaining 150k cables and releasing 50. We have released early in the year a cable from the Reykjavik us embassy but not necessarily connected...

What is really interesting about this has little to do with Assange, Wikileaks or the cables, but rather, Human Nature. Obviously, WikiLeaks has the cables if not in hand at least in the bush at that moment, and Assange is essentially lying, or perhaps, telling the kind of white lie that a diplomat might tell on the surface while something somewhat different is going on underneath (and in teh cabalz!!!). And, as a human not trained by MI-5 to have ice in his veins when telling a lie, he spews .... SPEWS!!!! ... the "tells."

So, really, it's more like:

Answer: glance to the side, swallow hard Well, we have denied receiving those cables. wiggle shoulder He has been charged lilting rise of voice, five days ago, avoid eye contact with obtaining twitch 150k cables and releasing 50 hard swallow. We have released cough cough early in the year um a cable from the grimace Reykjavik us embassy but not necessarily connected...bla bla bla


In any event, given the current impact that Wikileaks seems to be having, this older Ted talk which I have obtained from a source is worth a look:

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