Julio Franco, who recently celebrated his 89th birthday, is becoming a "clubhouse cancer". Since the losing streak, my source told me that Franco has become the ringleader of a "racial divide" in the clubhouse between the Latinos and non-Latinos. While it isn't a straight divide, it was painfully obvious there was something going on during last night's debacle at Yankee Stadium, where the Latinos were sitting in the dugout while the non-Latinos were on the dugout railing the entire game.
We find it amazing that Franco could ever be considered a clubhouse cancer, considering, well, he is actually older than cancer. We are always wary of the whole "Latinos vs. non-Latinos" subplot people like to ascribe to the Mets -- or any other baseball team -- because it always carries a smack of the "they're taking over our game!" xenophobia you see from time to time. But if there is a revolution, we do fully expect Julio Franco to be leading it.The Mets Are Falling Apart [Nyjer Please]
I See Great Things In Baseball [Faith And Fear In Flushing]
(UPDATE: Metsblog wants to make it clear it has nothing to do with this story. In fact, it would be safe to call them "skeptical.")