June 6th, 1944 The Day of Days

as i said before, Dday was unecessary, protecting england was most definetly necessary. a ground attack at normandy france was unecessary, but keeping troops in the UK and bombing from the UK was fine.
Did we have the A-bomb at the time of Normandy.

D-Day was not just for protecting England, Its primary intention was to open a second front to draw German troops from Russia, who at the time were being raped. After we opened up the second front, they were able to regroup and smash on to Berlin.
No shit, What about you're grandparent's they would've fallen under Nazi control, and your parents wouldn't have been born.
i said we didnt have the a-bomb at the time of normandy.

i'm aware it main purpose was to draw troops off the russians since the ruskies were getting anally penatrated.

i'm just saying, the overall attack at normandy was an uneccessary waste of life.

i have to go pick up a pizza for dinner. i'll be back later to argue more :tup:
Enjoy your pizza for IT SHALL BE YOUR LAST!!!!

Wait what?

Sorry. :(

EDIT: If we waited until we were able to use the bomb our Bases in England would be under German control
And in all likely hood you never would have been born if the allieds had not won WWII. If you want to be an ignorant little boy, thats fine, just keep it to yourself and stay in your sandbox.

As far as D-Day being unneccessary......you're a fucking a retard. Do you really think the great military leaders of the time just pulled D-Day out of their ass spur the moment? Every effort and plan was exhausted before a beach invasion was ever comprehended. Besides, none of the top generals were aware of what was being created at Los Alamos during that time. The only people that knew were the President and the group of scientists working on it, who were in a rush to finish it before the Germans created their own. Had the U.S. waited, Germany would have had the bomb AND the capability to deliver it to the U.S.
What you fail to understand is the incredible advancements that the German scientists have achieved during the course of the war. The germens them selves created a the first production jet fighter (they didn’t create the jet, it was the British but they didn’t like the idea of changing their air force from the propeller driven engine), the first ballistic rocket (V2), and they were on our feet for the first atomic bomb (there is even reports that the Japanese created and tested one, although it failed and this is a rumor). But if we did not invade Europe and stop the Germans from having free rule until they were ready to take us out, we would not have been able to stop them. The only reason they did not manage to put this new weapons in use was the fact that they had to throw so much money on the war front that they could not make enough of them. Even if we did manage to beat them to the atomic bomb, we would still have to get in range of dropping it. Since we would not be able to do another Doolittle raid, we would have to invade them either way. The Germans would be able to bomb us if they had (and they would have since we weren’t fighting them and everyone else was in submission) time to build their flying wing, which is what the B52 is modeled after (yes, we took blue prints from the Germans to improve our military). Now I could go on, and on, and continue to discus the complete ignorance behind you post and your beliefs, but I sure you will not longer be posting in here due to the fact that you will no longer be viewed as some one capable of discussing this topic.

Good day
My grandpa was shot in the knee by a machine gun while coming out of the water on d-day + some amount of days. Then they sent him all over europe right away after giving him a metal knee cap.
You can't be serious...

Firstly, they would have nuked us first - they were on the verge of getting atomic weapons. We barely beat them.

Secondly, England would have been under German control. No planes would launch because there would be no airfields.

The invasion of Normandy was absolutely necessary.

Um... the Marines weren't on Normandy. :ugh:
from my research the German's atomic bomb would not have worked, although if they were give the time it may have turned out differently. not to mention, if we did not have contral of the main land we would not have been able to take out the Norsk Hydro plant, which if you know holds heavy water (a key product used to enrich uranium)
but if you really want to dive into the history of the rangers you would know that they were created by the british during the french indean war