Just a little rant, R&P.. :D?

Apr 13, 2009
Ok so I just wanted to say how much I hate people. They can be so f*cking rude sometimes. Here's an example:

I was working at the aquarium at the info desk, and some dude came up and asked me about some ticket thing. So, as I am not a ticket person, I am an exhibit guide, I directed him to the ticket lady. Thats what you're supposed to do, right? Well this guy decided to be a smarta*s and say "well, I guess this isn't really the info desk then?" I was like 'um, yeah it is, I just don't handle ticket stuff" So he walked over there and got his tickets, and when as he was walking away, he said thank you to the lady and said to me "you, just need to learn" Who the f*ck is he to tell me I need to "learn" I'm not a ticket lady, I tell people about animals. I wanted to punch him so bad.

Have you had any recent encounters with rude people?
Skittles, wow that is f*cked up. I would've been like "Well, I hate it when people automatically assume things"

and Jimmy Jazz, I agree. I wanted to punch him so bad, but I love my job so I didn't.
:O You so should've punched him in the face!

Yeah, I don't take to rude people very kindly at all. I've encountered them in all the jobs I've had, but the worst would have to have been when I was working in a shop that sold school uniforms, and I am naturally very polite and nice to people, especially when I'm working, and you would not believe the amount of pricks who come in. So anyway, it's the middle of August and almost EVERYONE leaves it until now to get their kids' uniforms [grrr], and this guy comes in wanting to change his daughter's uniform, it's too small or something. And I can't remember whether it was too worn, or he had no receipt, or something, but we told him he couldn't change it, and he went fucking berserk, no exaggeration, screaming his head off, very aggressive [a lot of this directed at a co-worker], and then his wife came in and started the same. They would not leave, so we had to end up calling the police to get rid of them. Retards.
Wow, sorry to hear that :( When you're just doing your job, you're just doing your job. Next time someone is rude like that, smile sweetly and say "Thank you very much and a lovely day to you as well!" in a non-sarcastic tone. Really messes with their minds.

Me, I was helping my mom and dad dock the boat at the harbor today. Dad was at the wheel and mom and I were catching the ropes off of the pylons. Some guy decided to come up and laugh at my dad for his "fine crew" and told him in no uncertain terms that he needs more testosterone on the boat. (I'm being sweet here. He was incredibly crass considering I'm only 16.)

To add injury to insult, this was the same guy who, a week earlier on a very nice day, took five tries, a crew of three men, and some shore help as well to dock his little 25 foot sailboat between a 30 footer and an empty slip.

We got a 45 footer around a 90 footer, turned it around, and backed it in perfectly with one guy on the shore acting as a rear-view-mirror with the winds going at about 15 or 20 knots.

Now tell me: Who should be the one advising who here?

(I'm no feminist, but damn! Seriously, that hurt!)

Then there was this guy at a Mardi Gras parade a few months back. He was sitting about 50 feet back from the road. I walked up with a couple of my friends, and we saw an empty spot right by the road (in front of Grumpy, we didn't notice him), so we went up to it and started jumping and screaming for beads. Well this guy gets up from his chair, walks ALL THE WAY UP TO THE ROAD, and says incredibly loudly, "DAMN TEENAGERS JUST GETTING IN THE WAY OF THE PARADE!"

I felt like turning around and saying, "Dude. It's Mardi Gras. HAVE FUN." I did toss a couple of beads and a Tootsie Roll back at him, but he gave me this eeeeeevil glare when I did. If my dad had been with me he *never* would have talked to me like that.
Oh yes I have....I work at a restaurant so I deal with people a lot...

Ok..here's the story...lol

There is this couple that come in almost every weekend, they request to sit in the back of the restaurant because they hate to be around baby's crying, people laughing, any noise really..lol...and get this...everytime they come in they just sit there and read books...like they don't even talk to each other...its hella weird...hahaha...so anyways to add to the weirdness...the lady always asks for Hot tea...but insists that I put it in the microwave...even though the hot water comes outta the thing steaming hot....so I went in the back put it in the microwave and brought it to her...a few mintutes later the husband walks up to the counter...hands me the cup and says "Put more hot water in it and put it in he microwave for longer, its not hot.".....ok, this cup was steaming the water was soooo hot...lmao...so being the smartasssss I can sometimes be...I went into the back, put it in the microwave for 2 minutes, and brought it to their table, with the water boiling...like fullsized bubbles, bubbling over the top...lmao....I was sooooo annoyed...hahahahhaha....People pisss me off all the time...it's like I have control of your drinks, of your food...be f*cking nice to me!!!!!! lmao :p

Sorry to hear you had to run into an asshole like that, what I would do would get me arrested.
take care
i agree, people suck.
umm, well, i went to the movies to see adventure land friday...the lady wouldnt let me and my friends buy tickets for the movie, so instead we bought tickets to see haunting in conneticut, and so we go in, and its packed, and so the manager started to freak out because i was sitting on the floor in between two seats....
so i was like, "well i can be a bit** too" and went and cut in front of a huge line to get my refund.
I tend to act up when people piss me off.
but, people will make comments and sh!t, and it pisses me off, its like, okay,just becuase i walk by, doesnt give you a reason to make comments.
pisses me off
Yeah, I always have to deal with stupid, rude idiots at school... God, i hate it. I posted a story about a rude CD store clerk a while ago.

[rant] A few weeks ago I was at school, trying to bury the hatchett with some girl and her friends that I used to be close to, and as I was sort of talkign things out with one of the girls (who still acted like a liar so it was pointless anyways), her dumb friend that had nothing to do with the situation rudely said "Why are you even talking to us? We don't want to be your friend.. I understand maybe you lost all of yours, but they got smart and we're not about to act dumb." SHe said it in the most condiscending way, me and her used to be friends and then she stopped talking to me because of the altercation. I was about to go at her, but I relaized that I didn't need any more problems in my life so I walked away and almost flipped her the bird.![/rant]

Eh, sorry to hear that.

Yeah, people can be so godda*mn rude sometimes. Just don't take it too personally, you know? As for recent encounters with rude people, there's tons at my school. I'm practically nice to everyone, but they treat me like sh*t, and I have no idea why.....life just sucks like that.
I've found that lots of people like to be mean to people who work in customer service type jobs. It's some way of feeling good about themselves by putting you down. You can either let it go and realize it's not worth it or you can fight them and get fired.
Eh, sorry to hear that.

Yeah, people can be so godda*mn rude sometimes. Just don't take it too personally, you know? As for recent encounters with rude people, there's tons at my school. I'm practically nice to everyone, but they treat me like sh*t, and I have no idea why.....life just sucks like that.
My friend has an 8yr old sister who was born deaf (among other issues) and they have one of those disabled parking permits. We went to the store the other day and as we were getting out and walking up, a woman said loudly "Gosh, I hate when people fake being injured just to get a closer parking spot" to her friend and my friend's mom almost cried (as I said, the little girl has many problems).

Honestly, people can be stupid, I know I've said/done stupid stuff so while I can't exactly say "Oh it's okay for them to say/do that", it doesn't affect me too bad. It just annoys me for awhile.


Oh it's okay, you can't let things get to you or else you'll be pissed off all the time! However if she had been my daughter I probably would have said somethin back, but I don't know the girl that well, she's not very sociable. I'm just friends with her older sister and I felt bad for the mom because she was very upset by it, she works so hard for those kids and to hear that must've been pretty hurtful.
I used to get people like that when I worked customer service jobs. Some people think that they can say almost anything to you because you are at work. I almost walked out of a bookstore I worked at in College because a customer started belittling me. We both started yelling at each other loudly. The manager came out and told the guy to leave, but I wasn't going to take any grief from nobody. I never do. I hate that superior feeling people have just because you are doing a job. Thankfully, I don't work in those kinds of jobs anymore. People can be real mean sometimes. It is usually small minded, narcissistic people who have to tear somebody down in order to make themselves feel better.
I'm quite thick skinned and don't let people get to me too much. There's no need for anyone to be rude, if people are rude to me it just takes me longer to help them.
i knoww!
i hate when people boss you around and act as if theyre better than you and show no respect.

yeah ppl suck. but you gotta think that its there loss for having such a sh*t personality.
i knoww!
i hate when people boss you around and act as if theyre better than you and show no respect.

yeah ppl suck. but you gotta think that its there loss for having such a sh*t personality.
Wow! It amazes me just how rude people are these days. I'm sorry you had to deal with such a jerk. Seems to me you were working at the Information Desk and you gave him Information. Sounds like the right thing to do!

I read a rant on here one day where a girl held a door open for a lady (just to be polite) and the lady snapped at her and said "what do you want"? The girl was kinda crushed and didn't know what to say. Guess next time she should just let the door slam in the lady's face?

Kudos to you for keeping your cool - I know it had to be tough. Glad you have a job that you love too!