Just need to have a vent and let off a little steam about my problem


Mar 31, 2008
This time its about my bro and his gf

well ya its because of my niece who wasnt quite one at the time. One day just before christmas 2010 they came up, him, her, and their daughter. I pulled away from my niece when she came near me cause im not comfortable around babies. Its not agaist them and my niece I let em know right from the moment she was pregnant I wasnt a baby person and not to take it personally. well my bro took that as a great big insult when I pulled away from her just before Christmas and said im no longer welcome at their house and hes only coming up when im not there like when im at shotokan or somethin. He also said when I was up to their house, me, my parents and them, back in September, that I scurried across the kitchen pulling away from the niece and i didnt wanna sit next to her at the table, and stuff, well, I cant help it, seeing babies eatin with food all over their mouth makes me sick, I cant help that! But my parents said my bro is makin crap up, I did no such thing and I was well behaved, and so I was. My parents said they agreed that was harsh and they werent going down over christmas with out me. my parents got insulted and said well theyre not coming down if theyre im not welcome and as a result they missed her first christmas and her first birthday and its their very first grandkid you know its times they will never have an opportunity to have again ever. they'll never forgive my bro a
for that i dont blame them.

anyways he also said i was afraid i might hurt Holly he practically called me a potential child abuser like wtf i never lay a fingernail on kids never mind a hand what an insult!

So they're treating me like im a child abuser and hurting my - our parents as well. so i wrote him back on fb and i said You owe every one of us an apology and i said i dont even know why your on my fb list you arent my friend and you arent being my bro
and i said im taking him off fb as far as im concerned i have no bro
so i just took him off fb just now

I KNOW this didnt happen just out of the blue its been festerin for years, my parents had em up here all the time and treated em to nice dinners and gave em tons of stuff and everything, they never had us down in 3 years before we finally went down just once and that as they say, was that. My bro and his gf always treated her family way better than us. This was just the final nail in da coffin so to speak. my expletive bro will be lucky if I even speak to him again. I'm not a child abuser, Im not a baby person but I do like children when they get about 4 or 5, i get along really well with em, in fact I have to pry em off my butt, lol, cause they're stuck to me like glue.

My parents, grandparents and some of aunts and uncles understand and say Whats the matter with my bro? so i do have much support but I just needed to vent. Its the little girl, my niece holly who'll be suffering by denying her a relationship with her grandparents and me her aunt. I also told em I'm not a bitch - I just have a low BS tolerance.

I just needed to vent. Thanks for letting me.

little Bladey.
Very sorry to hear that, and you did the right thing. You shouldn't keep people in your life who only treat you like crap, even if you share some DNA.
You can't be anybody but yourself. Follow your instincts on this and keep cool life's to short to anguish over things.Just keep a cool head and and if avoidance is the answer it may be the best thing to do at this time. IMHO