JW's was Christ resurrected?


New member
Nov 7, 2008
resurrection............American Heritage Dictionary:
(r?z'?-r?k'sh?n) pronunciation n.
The act of rising from the dead or returning to life.
The state of one who has returned to life.
The act of bringing back to practice, notice, or use; revival.
Resurrection Christianity.
The rising again of Jesus on the third day after the Crucifixion.
The rising again of the dead at the Last Judgment.

Was Lazarus resurrected if so how was his different to Christ's resurrection?

If Lazarus was resurrected as he died four days earlier why was Christ not resurrected as He died 3 days earlier?

Please help me find a biblical reference to show what exactly happened different with Lazarus's resurrection.
Thank you @BAR- ANERGES for your uninformed answer.

1. "The Bible is very clear that human bodies cannot live in the spirit realm so Christ could not have been resurrected with a body of flesh."

Where did BAR-ANERGES get the idea that Christ was anywhere else but still on earth appearing in the actual body that still had the nail and spear holes and he ate and drank, something that spirits don't do.

2, "1Pet. 3:18 is a very explicit and clear verse which *proves* that Christ was raised with a spirit body and not a physical one."

He then believes the words, "made alive IN THE SPIRIT" somehow prove something it clearly does not say, "made alive as a spirit". We are to pray in the spirit, does that mean we are spirits?

3. "1 Cor. 15:50 " However, this I say, brothers, that flesh and blood cannot inherit God's kingdom, neither does corruption inherit incorruption" (Cf. Ac.13:34). Only spirit persons with spirit bodies can
Only spirit persons with spirit bodies can live in heaven."

Now he wants us to believe that Christ that came from heaven to die for us and shed his blood for us has no right to return to heaven so He must inherit a place in heaven. Would BA need to re-buy his house if he went away for a few years, would he need to inherit it to return to his home?

4. "1 Cor. 15:45:"

He is still just assuming that Christ had a heavenly body!

5. "Heb. 1:3"

He want us to believe that because Christ is the exact image of God who is spirit that Christ must also be spirit but rules out the idea that as the exact image he is therefore God.

He has no idea what he is on about just JW's false teachings, did we get to where Christ changed to Michael?

Yes, Jesus was resurrected.

Yes, Lazarus was resurrected.

Clearly the biggest difference was that Lazarus was resurrected back to the earth as a human. On the other hand Christ was resurrected to heavenly life.

The Bible is very clear that human bodies cannot live in the spirit realm so Christ could not have been resurrected with a body of flesh.

1Pet. 3:18 is a very explicit and clear verse which *proves* that Christ was raised with a spirit body and not a physical one.

It says: "Christ died once for all time...he being put to death IN THE FLESH, but being made alive IN THE SPIRIT" (NRSV, NASV, ACV, WEB, NKJV, NWT).

(A couple of popular bibles mistranslate this as "by the Spirit" because of a theological bias (KJV, NIV). Bibles which read “by the spirit” are practically non-existent for a reason–even the NKJV corrects the old KJV!).

So this verse explicitly states that at his resurrection from the dead, Jesus was brought forth with a spirit body.

The descriptions "flesh" and "spirit" are mutually exclusive as we can see from the contrast in Isa. 31:3. Spirit bodies are the same type of bodies that God and the angels have (Jn.4:24; Ps.104:3-4; Heb.1:7).

In fact, every explicit Scripture absolutely confirms that Christ has an invisible spirit body rather than a physical one:

1.) 1 Cor. 15:50 " However, this I say, brothers, that flesh and blood cannot inherit God's kingdom, neither does corruption inherit incorruption" (Cf. Ac.13:34). Only spirit persons with spirit bodies can live in heaven.

2.) 1 Cor. 15:45: "It is even so written: ‘The first man Adam became a living soul.' The last Adam [Jesus Christ] became a life-giving spirit." The context is also explicit that all those resurrected to heaven have spirit bodies not fleshly (1Cor.15:35- 49; Cf. 2 Cor.5:1-4, 2Pet.1:13-14).

3.) Heb. 1:3 Jesus is now "the exact representation of [God's] very being." God is a Spirit and has never been flesh.

4.) Jesus Christ gave his *flesh* as a ransom for us (Jn 6:51). Having given us his flesh, would he ever take it back again? A sacrifice is something you do not take it back! If Christ had kept his body then there was no ransom!

The Bible says that Christ returns in glory with all the angels under him, and that he 'sits down on his glorious throne.' (Mt.25:31) If Jesus were flesh, he would be lower in station than the angels (Heb.2:7-9, Phil.2:7-10). Therefore, he will never be flesh again.

Thus, without question, Christ is an everlasting spirit. Not flesh in any sense, but a spirit, just as God himself and the angels are.


he wasn't Resurrection on Sunday, that's for sure, unless you want to celebrate Nimrod's fake resurrection (Pagan sun god)