KCan't afford upcoming vacation?


New member
Mar 14, 2012
My wife's family has been planning a pretty substantial vacation to Turkey for a few years. Now the big day is 5 months away and we have not really saved at all. We kind of thought it wouldn't materialize. My wife spoke to her mother concerning the cost. 2 weeks in Turkey on a yacht, air fare, etc. We only have to cover the airfare and hotel stays in 2 other countries. It's still looking like 5 grand. If we absolutely pinch and scrounge we might be able to swing that. Her mother started by saying she didn't want to offend but how would I feel if just my wife went and I didn't due to the cost. Im not sure how to react. I really want my wife to be happy and this trip means alot to her and to the family. My wife's grandmother is in her eighties and her uncle is turkish, etc. However I dont want this trip to sink us into more debt. We went on a vacation for a week to the cayman islands last year and are still paying it off. I guess I'm more shocked that rather than offer to help us with the cost they would rather see just their daughter and not me as opposed to the both of us.