kind of a stupid question!?


New member
Jun 14, 2008
I am going to Cali this weekend and I have never driven there before. It might be easy to get around there, but I would rather be safe than sorry. I was thinking about getting a GPS, but I really do not want to spend the money. I know this is kind of bad, but do you think I should buy a GPS from walmart and then return it when I get back from my trip? lol. Do you think that's a good idea? Please don't be a jerk when you answer!

Haha I think that would be funny but just keep it in mint condition save the box and everything then bring it back and say you got it as a gift and dont want it anymore. they might just give you store credit but it's worth a try,
I would not do it. Very unethical.

If you are flying, consider renting a car which comes with GPS, or find a friend with one you can borrow.
Buy yourself a cheap road map instead. If you can learn to map read (hint: get directions off Google too) it'll save you money, and you'll be more aware of where you are.

Also, if someone can see a GPS system in your car (or even just a bracket) they're far more likely to break into it.
I dont think that is a good idea. Think of who you are hurting.

There might be children in China getting paid off the profits, but every time that happens, some child might loose a meal, or even worse.

If you still think that it is a good idea to almsot steal a GPS system, I am not making the choice for you, but think of who you are hurting.