kissing dream with friend?


May 18, 2008
ever since i had this dream where we were kissing (ive never kissed anyone before) shes shown up in all my dreams for like a week now. what does the kissing one mean and what does all of this mean? in the first one she kissed my cheek then we both started kissing each other on the lips. one way another she keeps showing up in all of them and we're always doing something together in them
This is your subconscious, you are curious about this girl and probably like her and if you don't think you do then its probably deeper in your head and you haven't realized it yet. Because you had the first dream you are probably thinking about her more and now because she is so often on your mind when you sleep this is no exception.
Another thing could be that you are becoming curious about kissing and this girl is your closest friend and this makes you more comfortable with her. Because of this comfort you think it will be easier with her. The same as above, because she was in one dream you think about her more making her in other dreams.