knee surgery?

did u tear ur meniscus verticly or horizontally

i tore mine horizontally, and all they had to do was shave it
I tore something in my knee when during football a few years ago. It didn't require surgery, but took about 2 months to recover to where I could play.
dam that sucks

i dint know even tore my meniscus till after i woke up from surgery
The inside of my knee was the ony part of my knee that hurt to touch. The outside of my knee hurt more when I initially hurt it, but I had a full tear of my ACL and apparently when that happens it tears nerve endings with it. Doctor said I was lucky or else I would have been in a ton of pain.
i just had knee surgery yesterday the doctor repaired my tear right now i am in a leg immobilizer for 10 days i may be in crutches for 4 to 6 weeks judging by how it heals i may be in a knee brace for after the 10 days right now i cant move my leg, they have me on pain killers and the surgery took 2 hours
my dad tour a legemnt in his kee and it took him a few monthes but he said it still goes out occashinaly
I tore my ACL, MCL and meniscus in february playing lacrosse and had surgery in early march, as of today i am still going to PT twice a week but i am to the point where i can run long-distance(over a mile) fine now without really even noticing the knee i hurt, my biggest osbtacle is how wasted my cardio system is from 3 months of inactivity.
Specifically my injury was:
ACL- completely torn, reconstrcted w/ hamstring graft
MCL- slight tear, healed itself
meniscus- 1.5 mm anterior tear was repaired, 2 mm medial tear was shaved off.

The first few weeks after surgery really suck, but it starts to get get better really fast, feel free to PM me with any specific questions.