Languages You Speak

i can only fluently speak english, which i suppose is a bit narrow minded but i suck at learning languages. i can speak random words of japanese because of karate and a bit of french because of school
French's my primary language. Obviously, I also talk english. I have basics of Spanish, and I'm possibly able to make out the meaning of a simple basic sentence in Japanese.
(mind you most of those sound similar, except for english, duhh!)

Not Fluent:
Can you explain this, they speak Serbo-Croatian in Bosnia, Serbia and Croatia, Im curious as to why you list Bosnian Serbian and Croatian as different languages?
My first lang is English, Learning Mandarin and getting better by the day (at least I hope as theres a test in just over a week), I speak a little Russian and tiny bits and pieces of several others just picked up in traveling...
English as a natural tongue.

Smatterings of Urdu from my friends and family; that allows me to understand tiny portions of Hindi as well. I've picked up a generally conversational level of Turkish, simply through being in Turkey for the last six months. A few words of French and German through a school education, and a few words of Japanese from reading a book on kanji one time.

That's about it; I want to learn more about all those languages sometime, and definitely want to look into Spanish too.
Rudimentary French
Functional Bahasa Indonesian but not quite fluent yet.
Reasonable Hindi.
Various comments regarding sheep in Welsh.
And vast amounts of insults, expletives and profanities from every country I have ever visited.
English - obviously
French - semi-fluent
Latin - semi-fluent
Korean - but only what I've learnt from TKD
Russian - beginner level
Bulgarian - beginner level
Swedish - tiny bit

Yay! I'm septlingual!

Also, I can't speak German, but my friends studying the subject tell me I have a perfect German accent (when I read random bits form their textbooks out loud)
Coz, although they sound similar, they're written differently, hence them being different languages
English (L1)
Putonghua (conversational oral / written low)
Cantonese (aural comprehension 50%)
Spanish (Mexican variety)
Russian (Vladivostok accent)
(though I don't speak it as well as I should)
Oh, and when conversing with someone who speaks none of the above I can also speak a primitive language involving much pointing ang grunting.... oddly enough it's ususally quite effective