Larger car/SUV in my price range that isn't a gas guzzler?


Active member
May 13, 2008
So I'm looking into getting a new car and I'm wanting to get something a little bit bigger. I really wanted an SUV, but it's hard finding a used one that doesn't guzzle gas and is older.. What would you suggest a poor college student to get? My price is between $3000-$5000 and I'm looking to get a car that wouldn't have any payments left on it... Also having gas mileage at 20mpg + would be amazing. Thanks!
I suggest a Toyota Hilux Surf, even though you'll probably get a early 90's model, they will last FOREVER if treated right. they're pretty economical if its diesel. My dad got 450,000kms out of his 2.4l diesel engine before the heads cracked