Learning how to dance


Mar 23, 2008
I was just thinking and came to the conclusion that learning how to dance might be fun. How many people here enjoy dancing?

It seems to me that learning how to dance might not be a big step for most martial artists. Thinking about it, one of the greatest things I have discovered with martial arts is the simple but great joy of moving, just moving. Being in control of your body.

But still, no martial artist I know can handle himself/herself in a club that well. How do you learn to dance in a nightclub? It feels like whatever you do feels stupid and unnatural.

I for one am sick of getting pulled up on the dancefloor by girls (which is not a bad thing in itself) and just standing there feeling like an idiot, loosing confidence, and then not really being myself for the rest of the night.

What should you do on the dancefloor? I don't want to be the guy standing in the middle of the dancefloor doing non-stop backflips...
If you ever uncover the secret, be sure to PM me.
Then write a book on it and make a fortune
Just don't dive about like that guy who's had waaaaaaay too much to drink There's always one!

I'm actually popping along to an adult dance class on Sunday. I've always loved dancing (One of my main interests is body movement) - so I thought it about time I had a little instruction.

Of course it's much easier for girls than guys in a club. The more attractive guys dancing just bob about whereas women can slink and dive all they like and look great.

You can't go to bed one night and wake up an experienced fighter. Just like you can't wake up a good dancer. If you want to dance then get some instruction, and practice practice practice!
My partner and I did quite a few Salsa dancing classes and really enjoyed them. And learning how to dance to Salsa has translated into many other styles, so now we can dance to just about anything but a Waltz. (Still need some practice there!) We even picked up the Texas 2-step a couple of years ago. We've also gone to a few Contra dances and I hear Line Dancing is fun, too.

Once my TKD teacher had us spend a class dancing. I honestly can't remember what dances we did (Electric Slide?), but it was very fun and made the point of using rhythm and flow in our movements.

Yeah, it's good exercise, good for meeting people, and really fun.
I have no fears on this count for I know I am a trained groove marvel.

Oh yes, for I went to teacher training college and was there taught the secret of the dance that all teachers do at end of term discos.

Clapping on the beat, white man's overbite, groove arms, immobile hips, occasionally nodding head, eyes closed.

I am a master of the groove, watch me shake my thang!

I've been trying to drag my husband to salsa lessons. It does look fun

Do you need any special clothes/shoes or can you just turn up?
Haha, I know what you mean. I have tried to observe this, and found several different types of male "dancers".

First there is the "Dancing Monkey": That's the guy that's in the middle of it all, often seemingly alone in the club. He is often really impressive, breakdancing, doing acrobatics. But it looks like he's trying really hard to look impressive.

Then we have the "Jumpers". All the do is jump up and down, like they are doing some type of east european folk dance. Dosen't look cool at all.

Next category is the "Drunk Guy", don't think I need to say much more.

Next we have the "Creepy Player Guy", these guys are on the dancefloor, but don't look like that's where they want to be, which is a big problem. Often they just stand there and ackwardly bob their head, not enjoying themselves. Makes you think, why are they even there? Oh yeah, cause they are "Creepy Player Guys"

All I know is, I don't really want to be any of those guys. Sure there are probably good male dancers, but I wouldn't recognise one if I saw one
My brothers boyfriend is good on the dancefloor. Firstly, he's not camp at all and for the most part he'll dance back and fore like the majority of people on the dancefloor - but every now and then he breaks out a playful dance move which looks great!

An old friend loved R&B and would slide in with the butt wiggling girls, at that point you really don't need to dance much, just stand there so it depends on the club and what kind of music you're dancing to.

On the subject of 'good dancing' in a club, just go for normal dancing, even if you know some moves, keep it simple. Anyone busting out move after move just looks drunk and a person to avoid, but busting out the odd move every now and again can spark interest and give a 'fun guy' impression

Hm, so just relax and sway a bit, then every now and again (depending on the song!) stick a flashy move in there. You'll usually find people join in the brief "flashy move wave" if you time it right...

It all depends on the club, the music, the atmosphere etc.
Personally if I was a guy, I just wouldn't dance unless it was a light fun atmosphere.
Most guys just don't look good when taking dancing too seriously
Well, thanks to some of the posts in this thread I think I know what to do.

1. Screen the dancefloor, find some guys that are dancing and manage to look the way I want to look when dancing.

2. Not draw attention to myself and make it look like I'm checking them out.

3. Try to study them, see what they do.

4. Try to move as they do

5. Try to use the music to make what I do feel natural

In short, it all seems to be about being able to adapt in a way that dosen't make me into a total tool. Just like when you see someone with a haircut you like and get a similar one. Nothing wrong with that.

And also use my personal Golden Rule (one of many actually), "If you manage to look playful, you can get away with alot without looking stupid".

Oh yeah, and "keep it simple"
I do ballroom dancing, excellent fun and great for posture.
Latin dances are hard but hilarious fun, especially if you have a partner who you are good with.

As for what to do in a club, goodness only knows, I don't go to clubs lol
What you saw was my 'its a disco - go nuts' dancing.

When there was a lady involved, I got my real dance on
Try dancing at a ceilidh. Everyone's usually drunk, and no one notices whether you can dance or not. You do pick up some unusual ideas for steps though...
Well.. in short... yes.

But everything sounds alot better if you tell it in a long-winded and confusing way.
What's a ceilidh?

Sometimes I think that you brittish make up new words just to make others feel stupid