Led Zeppelin or AC/DC?

Led Zeppelin
They are pioneers and I'm not saying that AC/DC don't rock...because they do...but Zep also had many more hits...
AC/DC can get repetitive after awhile.
I mean, don't get me wrong, I love their songs. Their formula works for them. But Zeppelin holds my interest much, much longer.
LedZep. i go out of my way to move the LedZep t-shirts away from the AC/DC & GNR t-shirts at Kohls.

you're right. AC/DC has been putting out the smae album for 30 years and every song on the album sounds the same, where with LedZep there is verity. You never have to be bored. you can have something up-beat or something mellow, and you don't even have to switch bands.
i think they were overhyped. I prefer AC/DC. Im not sayin i dont like Zeppelin, i do, but i think people make them out to be bigger or better than they were.

so much more magical and beautiful but you can still rock out with Zeppelin.... no doubt