Added Value: Bid On That Drew Carey-Signed Elite



If you remember, and really, how could you not, Drew Carey played some FIFA 07 against a bunch of US football stars. For cash (albeit all in the name of charity). End result of Carey's day out was $160,000 donated to the Mooch Myernick Memorial Fund, whose aim is to help out poor city kids by getting them playing the world game. Which is super.
While they had Drew around, US Soccer figured they'd get him and five other players (Landon Donovan, Kasey Keller, Taylor Twellman, Abby Wambach and Hope Solo) to sign an Elite 360 and put it up for auction. Bidding was at $760 at time of posting, so follow the link below to US Soccer's site and throw your cash down on this worthwhile cause. I'd expect it to go for a lot more than that. If only because of Hope Solo, which is only the most fantastic name of all time. Luke Plunkett
Autographed Xbox 360 Elite [US Soccer, via Blues News]
