• NBC has apparently let Brett Hull go ... yeah, he was the reason for the low ratings. Of course, it also seems entirely possible that they just couldn't afford to pay him. [Barry Melrose Rocks]
• Former Houston Oiler Sean Jones is a real dick. [Money Players]
• Mark Cuban ... doing just fine these days. [Foul Balls]
• There's some College World Series live-blogging going on here. [The College World Serie Sblog]
• Ichiro is the Gilbert Arenas of Major League Baseball. [Go Figueroa]
• Uncovering the reasons for beach volleyball's popularity. Hint: ass. [Loser With Socks]
• The all-time College World Series team. [The Extrapolater]
• Former Houston Oiler Sean Jones is a real dick. [Money Players]
• Mark Cuban ... doing just fine these days. [Foul Balls]
• There's some College World Series live-blogging going on here. [The College World Serie Sblog]
• Ichiro is the Gilbert Arenas of Major League Baseball. [Go Figueroa]
• Uncovering the reasons for beach volleyball's popularity. Hint: ass. [Loser With Socks]
• The all-time College World Series team. [The Extrapolater]