Lesbians, Bi's- would you go out with this girl?


New member
Mar 17, 2011
I'm trying to convince her that she is lovable... would you go out with her? (i'll show her this)

She's attractive, is a lesbian.
She is the sweetest person.
She is very caring. She loves to help people.
She is always there for her friends and family and will do anything for them.
She is studying, is pretty smart.
Very down-to-earth. and very approachable.
Plays the guitar.
Is trying to learn another language.
when she loves someone, she'll stick to them and treat them the best as she possibly can.
The only thing that i think would stop some people is she is a little chubby... and i mean a little... i think that's what she is worried about most.

So would you go out with her? Thanks in advance:)