Leviticus states you can sell your daughter into slavery + its ok to rape...


May 15, 2008
...women as long as you marry her after? Why don't we see those slogans outside churches in the UK as advertisements as to how great the bible is?
But isn't the bible THE WORD OF GOD? Wouldn't God be pissed that you are ignoring his laws but concentrate on the teachings of Jesus
Interesting that when the message is distasteful christians say that is the old testament and doesn't apply. So I guess the ten commandments are moot as well.
To circumcise the people of God to distinguish them form the others is also order of God to the Jews. And unless the God have had intervene Abraham would have sacrifice his son Issac...
The Old Law is over. Christ has instituted the Perfection of the Law in the New Testament and He gives the world His Church to now uniformly show the world this Law cannot be changed. No pope, no cleric, no layman will ever change Christ's Law. But the Old Law had no such guarantee. Moses had said that he "allowed" aberrations "because of the hardness of yor hearts" thou wouldst not, in other words. Thus Moses allowed a lesser evil (marriage after promiscuity) rather than murder. Matt. 19, 7-9

But Moses paid for this indiscreet bending of Divine Law. He was not allowed to cross to freedom.

Traditional Catholics at
Its not wrong to ask questions of things within the Bible that are unclear (1 John 4:1). So ignore such ignorant comments that tell you to do so.

However can you please provide the scriptures which you are talking about?
I know where in Deuteronomy it talks about such offensive acts but where in Leviticus?
Those parts of the bible that come from the OT many if not all Christians will ignore or claim that they are no longer important; however, they will throw a hissy fit if you state that Genesis is not based on facts despite the fact that Genesis and Leviticus comes from the OT.

So the question then become which is it. Is the OT to be taken as entirely true or not true? It cannot be both

If the OT is no longer relevant than why is it still part of the bible? Why not just have the OT removed from publication?
No it is not. Leviticus states that if your daughters chooses voluntary slavery(often people did this as a way to pay off debt or earn extra money) the 'master' takes on the role of the father. He would protect her and provide for her and can even arrange a marriage for her(that was how people were married back than). The man does not have a right to marry her but he can arrange a marriage for his son with her.

Later on it mentions that this woman has special divorce rights. This woman can divorce her husband if she was ever abused, neglected, or denied food clothing or medical attention. This was rare because the roman government didn't allow women to divorce but God was setting up ways within the church that allowed women to divorce when it came to their safety.

EDIT: For everybody else: This passage does not exist. Women were never sold into slavery unless they voluntarility wanted to. Women were never raped, and if they were the rapist was put to death. Women had more rights than any surounding culture and these rights continue to grow through-out the bible. God keeps on trying to give women more rights, and pretty soon Paul and Jesus are preaching equality between women and comanding the men to let them get an education. Pretty soon most of the congregation is mostly women, and women are being seen as equal.