Lifetime of strange dreams?


New member
Apr 7, 2012
over the course of my life so far , Iam currently 27. I have had several dreams , strange in nature but always with a meaning or hint of one.

When I was young I had a dream of being behind a stage at night , like one at a concert. I could see through the curtains dim lights glittering like stars far off. Then a man , was shadow like no features. Just black , and it was dark aswell so no way for me to see features. He walked toward me and said " Everyday you live you are writing your own history , so do not live in a way in which you live to regret " I then woke up.

Another dream came years later , I was in a building looked very old but well kept. I was in a room that had a doorway out to a grassy courtyard. There were others sleeping on the floor in the room I was in. A woman in white came in and kneeled down beside me and said " You are destined for such great things...and you would stay here? " And in the dream I began to cry and she held me , then a man walked up and asked her if everything was ok , she replied " it will be " and I woke up.

This dream happened about a year ago. I often pray for guidance and then I had this dream. I was walking through a old city , down a narrow mainstreet. The road was cobbled and I reached a fork in the road , there in the middle was a man in period clothing standing on a soap box. . The sun was shining super bright behind him and I couldnt see his face , only from the shoulder down. And he said " Show me/her the love" and for some reason in my dream I knew this person I just knew it was God. Or a representation... Then woke up. Now when the person said Show me/her the love...i couldnt understand completely if it was me or her. but I know it was one of the two.

And more currently about 3 weeks ago I had another dream. In this dream a unknown person had me and several others look at these wooden statues. Each depicting different things , ranging from trees to animals. We were instructed to choose only one , that described who we are inside the best. So I was drawn to the various tree statues , since i really love nature. But everything I picked was wrong , and the person would tell me " no thats not right" So not knowing what to pick , the person handed me a postcard sized picture. And on it was a Wolf. I was puzzled and thought it was strange. Then the person said " this is the right one for you , you are brave and courageous and a natural born leader , like the wolf " Then I woke up.

I have had these dreams aslong as I can remember. When I was little I would have dreams that would come true , nothing major just little things. Like dreaming of a painting then the next day my mom would take me somewhere i had never been and there it would be. But those dreams seemed to have stopped during my early teens.

Im just wondering what everyone thinks of my dreams. And if anyone has had any like mine.