Lincoln sacrificed 660,000 Americans to end slavery, endless entitlement...


New member
Dec 3, 2008
...programs, plus the crime rate for? black on white verses reverse is 50:1. Only 5% of DEMOKKKRAT southerners owned slaves, and it was democrats who fought to keep slaves and who started the KKK and Jim Crow and GOP has outvoted Democrats all throughout history up to the present minute on civil rights. Eisenhower, GOP furthered Civil Rights more than any US president. MLK and Lincoln were all GOP. The Democrats have started a false dixiecrat lie that's proven false by the sheer voting record of even recent history. Plus GOP gave women the vote!

So first, why do blacks have loyalty to the party that enslaved them and still does (tokenism) and why is there such white guilt to this day?
See Billy Blaze is toting the Demokkkrat "party switcheroo" lie, as if all of the sudden they just changed places.



I think that most people are smart enough to realise that the political ideals held by a party today might not necessarily be the same as those held by other people under the same name 150 years ago.
nearly every state that was democrat in that era is now republican and vice versa. the dixiecrats were struggling southern farmers who sought government protection from larger farms that were buying them out. things change. and i think black people are smart enough to look at today's policies and realize that party lines have flipped and that the GOP is no longer in their best interests.

i mean, really. you guys are against affirmative action, against political correctness, and regularly call working-class people lazy. you also call the NAACP racist, and in general have this bitter, grumbling attitude about black people. they need to get over slavery. they play the race card, they need to stop being criminals. really, how is that kind of resentment going to win the african-american voting base?

this applies for all minorities, really.
Lol, so you fail to recognize that the parties have switched positions and that the modern GOP has gone out of its way to alienate blacks? That's adorable.
So what you mean is a different set of politicians should be winning like green party or independents or the moderate party or libertarians or the liberal party or a new democratic party or socialist greens . also that bill of rights amendment should bring net under democratic control so advertisements answer to citizens and unwanted google ones can be removed by two buttons placed on all ad sites note your question good so stays.
end result you seek i think more democracy.
maybe because they, like other people arent morons and realize that a party 150 years ago can be different than a party is nowadays.

comparing the partys today to the partys back then is like comparing apples to oranges, they were completely different beasts because times were completely different.
First, the Democratic Party of the 1860s is NOT the one that exists today. The name is the same, but the basics are very different. If they were still the same, my family would still be 100% Democratic. And, for us, it wasn't about slavery. We were too poor to own slaves, but we knew many. Mostly from working in the fields along side of them.

Rich Democrats owned slaves, like most rich people do. Lincoln even had slaves, though he didn't call them that. So did his generals. In fact, the ONLY slaves in Virginia, when he came rolling through, were HIS slaves or those of his party.

Lincoln trashed the Constitution, both actually, and only freed the slaves he couldn't control. A measure he hoped would overthrow the South, without having to get his hands dirty.

It's kind of odd, but many slaves supported the South. Well, not really odd, since the North raped and forced them into service, but... So, many stuck with the Democratic Party, and didn't know any better. You see, not being allowed to vote or even read, they were lied to just like the whites were. If you could read what they wrote, or what was written for them today, you would see that many loved the South, even with slavery. Uncle Sam did a serious number on everyone down here, and his lies are still holding on tightly.