Locating Saturn with my Meade ETX 80 Telescope?


New member
Feb 22, 2009
Stellarium is a nice piece of software, you can also use google earth to view the sky or microsofts virtual telescope, also "heavens above" is a good site to know.
I want to locate Saturn so bad! I know my telescope can because it says so on the box. I probably have located it and have never known, yet I'm not familiar with the night sky and constellations. I would love to download and print a Sky Map of the constellations to familiarize myself but every website I've gone to have not be able to download one.

A couple of nights a go I tried locating this really bright star in the sky. My boyfriend found it and it looked purple/yellow. It was real pretty and was curious if any of you have any clue what that might've been?

I would greatly appreciate it if someone were to share with me a good website where I can print or download a star map and when is the best month to see Saturn and its rings?

Thank you!
Here's a link to the actual telescope I have.