Look at these pictures, good parenting???????

I equate that to the old use of the "dunce" cap! Great job IMO! A little humiliation, community scorn, is a good thing if it is tempered with an explaination! Like the kids in this area that "accidentally" started a brush fire that wound up destroying some homes. One lady whose house was destroyed stated that kids should be made to clean up all the debris and rubble from the destroyed homes. What a concept. The children would learn that their actions affected other people, the would learn what work is was for the fire fighters, and how much work it is to "clean up" their mistake. I say bravo to the lady in the picture.
I think it is a fair punishment, but the picture made me sad . . . . . I want to go to prison to be with daddy.

It must suck to grow up with your old man in the can.
Obviously every kid and every situation is diffrent but
I would say that if it had the desired effect then its ok. a little public humiliation probably wont kill the kid and could potentialy save him.
I think you will probably find that his mum made the card and then made him stand there, it would be pure hell to watch him but i bet she's a good loving mother.
i think it's way better parenting than just ignoring the kid (which many, many parents do).

but, i mean, they're just two pictures. you can't tell a lot from two pictures.

if she beat the crap out of him then made him stand there for 4 hours - not good parenting.
if she made him stand there for about half an hour, and explained to him why it was necessary - good parenting, imho.
As already stated above I think is a fair and valuble was to administer an punishment as long as a discussion occurs afterward. Without a talk it's just cruel and will cause a rift between child and parent.
Shoot I would beat the crap out of him and make him stand there for 4 hours and then have the talk.

On top of that I'd make the little bugger bring me cold drinks!!!
I get where you are going Succubus. Wonder what my parents and great uncle thought when a farmer popped my but with a shotgun full of rock salt and pork rind! I could lie down but Oh No! My Great Uncle had me sit down to explain to my why I should not take things from the farmer's garden. Believe me I never took anything again! EVER!
She is completely shaming him just what he needs, not only will he not dare to do it again, its probably given other parents the idea to do the same to their kids.
On the other hand, he can't be that bad, as he is doing what his mum wants, alot of kids his age who are really bad would have told her 'f' off and run away!
Don't forget, that she obviously cares enough about him that she is also willing to be publicly humiliated in order to get him set on the right path. That takes some guts.
What's wrong with that, his mum is just trying to stop him from becoming a criminal... maybe holding that sign up for everyone to see will make him think bout it